An exclusive training and mentorship program that covers everything you need to know to grow your hair restoration business with VERO Hair™
Available to Venus Concept partners, the VERO Hair™ preceptorship is designed for professionals of all skill levels, ranging from the hair restoration novice to the experienced hair transplant surgeon. Through an informative, fun, and interactive agenda, this preceptorship program begins with the basics and moves on to the finer points surrounding patient selection, creating a comprehensive treatment plan, designing an appropriate hairline, and growing a hair transplant practice, among other topics. Upon completion of the preceptorship, our clinical team will help facilitate Quick Starts and/or In-Service trainings with on-site and remote case support to ensure clinical proficiency. Our ultimate goal is to provide you with all the tools, skills, knowledge, and resources you need for your hair restoration business to succeed and prosper.
Dr. Jack Fisher boasts 30 years of experience as a board-certified plastic surgeon and leader in the cosmetic industry. With a highly refined sense of aesthetics, Dr. Fisher views performing a quality hair transplant procedure as an artform and has built his business around crafting attractive, natural-looking hairlines. Every decision Dr. Fisher makes is based on each patient’s individual needs and aesthetic goals, ensuring a result so natural that nobody will recognize it as a transplant. In addition to running a successful practice in Nashville, Dr. Fisher has also penned several chapters on hair transplants in medical textbooks, teaches courses at various national meetings, and has lectured nationally and internationally on the topic of hair transplantation.
如欲獲取更多資訊,請聯絡:(+852) 315-22330 //
獲國際監管機構認可的療程功效 [ 更多 ]
Venus Versa™已獲美國FDA認可為有效改善良性色素、血管問題、清除多餘毛髮及尋常性痤瘡,並可用於需要消蝕和換膚的治療,以及有效以非侵入式治療改善中度至嚴重的皺紋。Venus Versa™亦已獲加拿大衛生部認證,能夠用於治療善良性色素、血管問題、清除多餘毛髮及尋常性痤瘡,並可用於需要消蝕和換膚的治療,而且有效以非侵入式治療改善中度至嚴重的皺紋,以及透過緊膚、縮減圍數和減淡橙皮紋來達到塑形目的。
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Venus Viva™已獲美國FDA認可及獲加拿大衛生部認證,能夠用於需要消蝕和換膚的治療。DiamondPolar™治療頭獲加拿大衛生部認證,能以非侵入式治療來改善中度至嚴重的面部皺紋。
Venus Freeze Plus™已獲美國FDA認可為有效以非侵入式治療方式來改善中度至嚴重的面部皺紋。Venus Freeze Plus™亦已獲得了加拿大衛生部認證,能夠用於非侵入式減淡橙皮紋、緊膚及暫時減淡妊娠紋的治療。
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