Venus Concept devices for feminine health will enable you to provide a variety of internal and external treatments that address a range of conditions affecting vaginal health, such as vaginal atrophy, dryness, discomfort, and laxity. Treatments are non-surgical and do not require hormonal intervention, making them the ideal choice for providers and patients.
Every woman’s body goes through different changes over the years, and because no two women are the same, each patient will have different needs when it comes to feminine health treatments. Our devices are powered by advanced radio frequency technology to provide safe and comfortable treatments that can be tailored to suit each patient’s individual circumstances. Click on a product below to learn more.
A unique multi-treatment platform for feminine health, designed with three applicators to address internal vaginal health restoration, labia skin tightening, and mons pubis reduction.
如欲獲取更多資訊,請聯絡:(+852) 315-22330 //
獲國際監管機構認可的療程功效 [ 更多 ]
Venus Versa™已獲美國FDA認可為有效改善良性色素、血管問題、清除多餘毛髮及尋常性痤瘡,並可用於需要消蝕和換膚的治療,以及有效以非侵入式治療改善中度至嚴重的皺紋。Venus Versa™亦已獲加拿大衛生部認證,能夠用於治療善良性色素、血管問題、清除多餘毛髮及尋常性痤瘡,並可用於需要消蝕和換膚的治療,而且有效以非侵入式治療改善中度至嚴重的皺紋,以及透過緊膚、縮減圍數和減淡橙皮紋來達到塑形目的。
Venus Legacy™已獲美國FDA認可為有效治療方式改善中度至嚴重的皺紋,以及暫時減淡橙皮紋。Venus Legacy™亦已獲得了加拿大衛生部認證,能夠用於非侵入式緊膚、縮減圍數、減淡橙皮紋和減淡皺紋的治療。
Venus Viva™已獲美國FDA認可及獲加拿大衛生部認證,能夠用於需要消蝕和換膚的治療。DiamondPolar™治療頭獲加拿大衛生部認證,能以非侵入式治療來改善中度至嚴重的面部皺紋。
Venus Freeze Plus™已獲美國FDA認可為有效以非侵入式治療方式來改善中度至嚴重的面部皺紋。Venus Freeze Plus™亦已獲得了加拿大衛生部認證,能夠用於非侵入式減淡橙皮紋、緊膚及暫時減淡妊娠紋的治療。
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