The Adaptive Mode features AdapTarget, AdapTrain, and AdapTensity. This proprietary combination enables individual muscle groups to be targeted with unique settings, undergoing a smart training program with changing frequency and intensity, while adaptive parameters are tailored to achieve optimal results for each patient.
FlexMAX EMS applicators are designed to target 7 different muscle groups for the ultimate treatment personalization. Each muscle group is trained at optimal parameters for more tailored muscle activation. Two areas can be treated simultaneously in one session for increased efficiency in various combinations, saving time for both the patient and the provider.
This intelligent training program was developed based on extensive muscle research. It involves an automated, continuous fluctuation of frequency and intensity settings in order to maximize muscle activation. This process provides a complete training program for each muscle group, actively priming the muscles for better reception to the treatment while mimicking a standard workout session.
AdapTensity boasts breakthrough adaptive parameters with built-in intelligent algorithms to enhance customization and patient comfort. It is designed to replicate muscle memory, where the operator can adjust the intensity of treatment at anytime, then the algorithms will automatically adapt settings for the multi-phase treatment. Additionally, providers can tap into the learning behaviors of the treated muscle area by raising intensity with each progressive treatment during the patient's subsequent visits. This flexibility enables optimal training and conditioning of the muscles over time.
如欲獲取更多資訊,請聯絡:(+852) 315-22330 //
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