Introducing Trim & Tite™ by Venus Legacy™

Introducing Trim & Tite™ by Venus Legacy™

As a medical aesthetics provider, you know that the success of your business relies heavily on your patients’ satisfaction with their results. This is why it’s important to provide your patients with the most efficacious treatments on the market, so that they can get the best results possible. 

This is especially true for fat reduction. There’s no doubt that the demand for the treatment is high—in fact, fat reduction was the most in-demand non-surgical aesthetic treatment in 2018 after injectables. However, getting rid of the fat is just half of the battle. To fully satisfy your patients’ body aesthetics goals, you also need to tighten loose skin and further contour the body. Whether you’re already offering fat reduction treatments or considering the option of adding them to your services in the near future, you should also be providing skin tightening as an add-on treatment.

That’s where Trim & Tite™ comes in—it’s the perfect complement to fat reduction. Trim & Tite™ is a new and effective skin tightening* solution offered by the Venus Legacy™ device that works to ensure your patients have superior clinical results than with just fat reduction treatments alone. If you already own a Venus Legacy™, then you’re already equipped to start with the new Trim & Tite™ treatment for your fat reduction patients. If you’re new to Venus Legacy™, here’s how the device can help:

  • Trim & Tite with Venus Legacy™ can be used as a complementary treatment after any mode of fat reduction or weight loss.
  • It works to non-invasively tighten the skin, further slim body circumference, and smooth out demarcations where focal fat was not evenly reduced.
  • Because the technology is safe for all skin types, it can be used on any of your fat reduction patients with no added downtime.
  • In addition to skin tightening*, Venus Legacy™ applicators can also deliver treatments for body contouring*, cellulite reduction, and wrinkle reduction, making it a highly advanced solution for challenging aesthetics.

To learn more about how Trim & Tite with Venus Legacy™ can help you offer even greater patient satisfaction, contact an expert using the button below.

* Approved indication outside of the U.S.

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